Utilizing the time between B-School offer-letter acceptance and your first day as an MBA student

19th September 2022

The dream that seemed miles away is now a reality. The entire world is a melting pot of opportunities; our joy is on cloud 9, and everything in the world feels exactly right. Yes, we are referring to that glorious moment when our inbox had a congratulatory mail from the B school of our dreams. But as the quote reads, “Real work starts right here,” these could be just the perfect lines that one can dictate to a B school aspirant at once.   

Every year thousands of B school candidates start their MBA journey with little or no knowledge of what lies ahead and what is expected of them in a B school. For them, this ignorance of theirs could act as a fatal blow to their career and jeopardize their whole MBA experience.   

Fear not, we will make sure this does not happen to you!!!    

Hi there! We at MBAtrek will enlighten you about all that is expected of you at the start of your MBA journey. Building the very basics - an aspect that most B-schoolers take lightly is the subject basics. No matter what specialization you go for in the second year of your MBA, you will have to go through the grind of learning the very basics of every single subject. This is the time when you can lay down the groundwork for subjects like marketing, economics, accounting, and statistics, which will surely help you in your career. We understand that there must be some talented CA’s, heroic engineers, and incredible marketers around, who know their subjects from the depth of their hearts, but a detailed revision will be helpful even for them.

Excel and PowerPoint

Excel and PowerPoint are the staple diets of an MBA student, and a swift hand at these tools will work wonders for every student. Whatever field or industry you go in, you will have to deal with these tools every single day, and hence this is the perfect time to start. There are multiple free online tutorials that can teach you these tools for free and make you look like a wizard in front of your batch mates.

Reading newspapers

Now we understand that this may sound like a corrupt sound cassette from your dad’s time that keeps on repeating itself to you occasionally. But trust us when we say that no one in this world can emphasize enough how important a proficient reading habit is for a B school student. Reading newspapers will help you gather some relevant insights into what is happening around the globe and help furnish your vocabulary. Which will further help you make some valuable contributions to class discussions and hence earn you some bonus CP points, which, let us be honest, are like a sweet dessert after a delicious meal.

Building a resume

Resume building is a critical component of one’s MBA life and plays a vital role in your selection for summer’s as well as final placement. Though sometimes building a good resume can be a bit tricky, with these simple steps, it could be as easy as eating a piece of cake. 

  • Note down all the key highlights and deliverables tat you have from your personal and professional life. 
  • Once you make a list of them, see for what all points you have written proof of, like letters of appreciation, certificates, and any other such material. In case you do not have proof of the points you have collected; you could simply mail the authorities concerned to help gather proof for this. 
  • Once you have noted down all the points and have collected all the proofs, try, and make the first draft of your resume, which will help you in the future to finalize your CV.

Short-term courses and internships

Short-term courses and internships are not only a quick and easy fix for getting valuable CV points, but they will also help you in gaining an edge over your counterparts by giving you first-hand experience and knowledge from industry projects and experts.


There is a famous saying which goes, “your network is your net worth,” and this quote holds true in every essence of it. Once you have decided which B school you will go to, then try to connect with the alums and students at that college to understand the work culture of the place. Note down the club and committees that interest you at the very first glance and what kind of different opportunities the college provides. This will help you in making a better bond with your college seniors, as well as help you understand better what the college has on hold for you once you get there.   

Finally, we all know how tiring and hectic a life an MBA student lives, but we are confident that once you are clear with all the above-mentioned points and have spent a small amount of your time working on them. You will be able to make the most of your MBA journey and enjoy it to the fullest!

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